Sunday, October 17, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Presenting Queen Godis and the "...In the Mirror" Project
There are very few people in the world that I trust with my life even fewer still the people i trust to speak in a capacity of healing and self work that if your breathing you need to do .I am pleased to say my sister Queen Godis occupies those two rare categories in my life.
she recently did an interview about her up coming video and how Michael Jackson has impacted her art
I want you to go make some chamomile tea if you have get comfortable watch the interview then go to www.auntiqueengodis.blogspot.com listen to the remix of man in the mirror .. then get up and go look in your own mirror and begin the 21 day process of change that you need to make
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Journey through Sirreal Photography(copy write)

My mind is the only thing
that cannot be copyrighted
my heart a beating star
pulsating black ink out
my mouth
sounds like a halo with
legs and feet
that hits you in the places
you have tucked away from
and i have been here
like a crying volcano
a screaming ajax bottle
a talking keyboard
stuck in the ears of a deaf
man i hear silence in the noise
you can call me the architect
that builds houses inside you
with walls of love and feeling
waiting for the moment
when i release so much of
this crazy gypsy in my chest
that i implode into zeros
into beyond nothing
and everything all at the same
into speakers laced with
DNA vibrations of the second kind
i am not of this world
and of this now
and not the past you cannot run
i have been too hard for too long
to make sticks and stones
impede the flap of my wings
and the sun has been chasing me
through my dreams so i write
a poem for every grain of sand for
the blackest nights up under my feet
i walk like heaven was in the
eyes of the people i meet
as if love was in the actions
and not the word
as if faith was not in the believing
but the leap
out of fear
a living res-erection
i write evolution and pray three
times a day because this
story can end at least different
and my grandma raised me to stay
said make sure when they come
that you give them the sun and the moon
the stars and the planets
the black holes and fall of leaves
she said nah
make sure you give them the warrior
in your knuckles
the razors of your voice
call on your ancestors and make
sure they see your face everytime
they close there eyes
i said grandma this world is hard sometimes
and this flesh aint going to stop
there bullets i am scared of the words
i speak sometimes grandma because
i know from experience how the truth
hurts and i can't explain why i dont
walk away from this grandma i have
and would still
give up a love of a woman before i
give up this what is wrong with me
i understand that we all want to
be free want to be held in the places
where it hurts want to get this anger
from birth up of our chests
want to go home to someone who understands
the rest want to feel like these
words make sense want to give
everything without the boundaries
we put on ourself's would like to cry
without feeling week would like to
stop trying to get there and just
get there
she said you are human so you go
through what humans go through
and it made sense
said i know its crazy and you out
there in the world with nothing
but the chips on your shoulders
the feeling of bricks to your back
and a shotgun in your face like
the cracks in the sidewalks shout
expletives at you all day
but you make sure you
let them understand this here
that you may not always be right
but your never wrong
so i stay on my job
and write for the life of my life
because there is a process
to this purpose
and my mind sings like lullaby's through
time so i understand the
equation of sound
decibel times metaphor
divided by voice
and the shape of your body
gives of an algorithm a frequency
that only you posses
so this stage is but my tool
for the gift i was given
at birth they told me i would speak
to heaven
and i see you as such
so forgive me if
no ego enters this poem
or if is not slam worthy
but i have slammed right here
before you ever see me
gone through hot coals
and bear feet
through windows and scars
through a wife and a divorce
through friends who aint really your
friends bullet wound and nightmares
till this day so i have mastered
insomnia and turned it into inspiration
to keep writing alchemist to the core
trust i when i tell you
I have no enemy
but dont let the raccoons rummage
through your garbage
i still have fear
but i face mine everyday right
here i have been writing for as long
as i have been thinking
i dare you to copy
write that.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Journey through Sirreal Photography (metaphor)

Her look
could have
killed the world
flipped atlas
on his axis
orbited a suffocated
bench press
on a ants back
chained to a forgotten
tomorrow rapped
in a reality
two centimeters removed
from right now
rising like the goose bumps
you get when truth
reveals itself in words
the synonym for metaphor
has got to be woman
in a blue sky
a black fire
shows off
as if the stars could not
flash light out existence
eyes spoke of almonds
half cracked
just so you catch just
a glimpse of heaven
of yourself
growing inside her rib
i now know
when i stared at her
that i am a hybrid
all we are as men
is confused women until
we learn were it is we
come from
until we meet a
harbinger with sunset eyes
and a star placed
per curiously on her nose
until we fall in love
with the lover we do not
only then
will her look
make sense
and her scent
bearable in the air
the rustle of the leaves
she be a unexplainable
that finds us in our dreams
when we are alone
with thoughts
i feel sometimes she is
watching me staring
at my chest thinking she
wishes she could take
her ribs back
if she knew then what she
knows now
how the slave of us
would be so prominent
in the mistreatment of her kind
her body and mind
soul and love even still
her hips grow wide enough
to forgive
and eyes tell me something
sacred in a flash
a chance meeting
meeting chance past
believing i found
the perfume of her
one night in a bed
of roses
just because
she said she wanted lay on
pedals before her ghost flee's
in a room of candles
for random's sake
just to see how her skin maroon's
with the light
oil and giggles necessary
in fingertips
i met myself and her
laced with the meaning of breath
one night under a blue moon
over looking a red sky
with purple hearts dancing in the
flicker of the shadows fire on
the floor
i stand here today
just to tell you that
the synonym for metaphor
is woman
don't be fooled by the
spelling or the
spells casting
metaphor is woman
and woman is a unexplainable
simple but they have
always told you
god is in the simple things
Journey through sirreal photography (Absolution)
I sit heavy because there is
an anvil chained to a twilight sky
in my stomach
a screaming dog barking the secret of
life and a gypsy using the earth like a
marble in my voice
trying to understand the shaman
sun bathing on my tongue
a gun shooting a bullet in the shape of
a woman giving birth to an army
of unicorns in my fingers
a mermaid arguing in my pen
but I remember when she used to
hold me in the thick of us our inhale
might as well have been laced with dragons breath
until she
told me she needed to get away from my gravity
after I orbited around another sun
said sometimes I feel like a black dot
on a white canvas
empty and full
all at the same time
and I asked the morning after
do you still love me
told me maybe in another life said
the pain was so deep she would
have to unzip her bones
in order to love me again
and I am here a carefully carried
wishing for a severed moment
when my insides touched hers
and you felt it in the middle of the night
I will speak of how I lost you
To the weight of my man and my flesh
My desires urgent back then
But now I find myself thinking of you
Unwilling to love another
The way I loved you
The way you were always meant to be
I cannot move on and these dreams
In seventh hour of the day keep showing
An image of me setting my heart on fire
And breaking my ribs to spell your name
Your name
The only one I could never forget
On table there is a ring
And my life
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Journey through Sirreal Photography (no more martyrs)

I stand as if the world needs to go around me
voodoo personified indigo sauce
and tornado laughing in the bricks to my back
i stand for the peace
of war
of abused woman
she told me not to come here said they may
shoot a black man
trigger happy mo fo's they be
she said
but i never figured any of that feared
any of that
i knew my purpose
they called me giant in my youth
so i stand like i was face to face with the clouds
never paid attention to the chicken scratch
of the haters and the people that have
nothing better to do than gossip
about how he aint shit
and we aint shit as a people
as a people i represent the best of we
warrior blooded for battle
lover passion raised to my woman
my queen knows who i be
my kids know who i be
its a shame i couldn't make her understand
why i had to come to this place
make her understand why i had to stand
waiting for them to come
i knew they were too scared to kill me
the truth will scream people into submission
and my daddy told me always speak
the truth even if you are staring death
swinging your halo it stole at your birth
you tell the truth
and let them sort the pieces after
so i am here
because of my father
because of my mother
because of my kids
i am here because there wont be anymore
they have learned that the truth does not
die with the flesh
so what is the use of putting a bullet through
my brain
of them even thinking about my breath
there will be no more martyrs
kissed my children told them
i loved them just in case
humans or fickle creatures even
with my faith
that i would be home for dinner
and kissing my wife
humans tend to surprise
honestly i was waiting for it
waiting for the bang
but none came
i stood there in all my glory
you should have seen it
no bang i tell you
I almost laughed
still tapping the prayer beads
in my pocket
I thought i was going to die today
even still i was home before dark
walked like a hero
picked my wife up in the air
and told
there will be no more martyrs
Leon Photo Werks feature on Journey through Sirreal Photography (Old Magick)

hello I am the woman
of your dreams of your miracles
sitting on the seventh cloud
of your mind
touching lighting bolts
so my hair is nappy and beautiful
striking my name across
this skin
look how i shine
how i make the sun shy
vertical my structure i see nothing
but the blue berries of this world
you have tried to put
a snake in my walk
tried to kill me and my bloodline
but you didn't know my name
didn't know how i overcome
struggle eat defeat
and belch impossibility in my sleep
your still trying to figure out
how to tame me
i am a zebra
and you don't deserve to see my strips
i am woman
beautiful as an imploding zero
forward thinking in the moment
of a tease of a sparkling sunset
yawning across the mid day sky
with a gun behind my eyes
and arms that hold you as if a million
butterflies decided to love you
with there wings
the caterpillar of my speech
reaches you in the places
that you have tucked in the folds
of you
and i want to fold you
like a orgasm suffocated at the
point of climax
just to dance in your release
i am woman
here me in midnight prayer
in the footsteps behind you
i am every woman you have ever loved
will love and hold like they
were the only
i am the world
and the peace
my skin is karma
what goes around comes
back to me
and i am staring
at your startling sting
starting this fire
i sing
to oshun
i am the woman of your dreams
of your miracles
your never ever ever's
and your resolutions
and Epiphanies
tucked in the center of my human
call me
love the oldest magick
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Journey though Sirreal Photography (Gypsy woman on Chill)
She is found in everything
in Lilacs blooming at night
in the curve of ribs still fresh from life
sequenced to stars on a paribas twists from life
interlocking locks that lock time
she is found in everything
wind gardens on Uranus the foam
in your coffee just waiting to be sipped
sip, slowly, seeping synergetic molecules
molecular mesmerizing massages metaphysic
in a teaspoon of Buckley's
she is swallowed with burns
burning barricading bonfires
My truth is found with in her borders
she gave me orders in twilight dreams
smeared my music across an operating table
they were searching for my poetry gene
hidden in gnomes I have not yet found
She gave me an adamantuam tongue so
i could lick her diamond
She is gypsy woman on chill
Chilled centuries in the past tense for
future discovery
I can only see her in wind storms
touching groves i did not know existed
on my own body
so yes
yes i do believe in mystics
My sticks all lead to her
she is found in everything
white lint on blue cotton sweaters
if only i could let my colors run
we would create rainbows in flesh
fleshy bodies make like fish upstream
in bed sheets flesh is only the container
but no flesh can hold her
not in new days
with new ways
with two pairs of thighs
i see four eyes when i sleep walk in dreams
reamed around this consciousness i rose to her occasion
occasionally showing her crystals
and watched her cry like satellites in snow caves
her cave is wondrous
wondering won on the life essence
of past lives lived loving
levitate my being into your structure
She is collidiscope with orgasm colors
cumming came back to Ghana when she touched me
Said her name was Nairobi and i have been
waiting smoking gypsy symbols in blown glass
goggled her gire on gamma gestures
gateways of granite grandeur
she is found in everythingg
in the back ground smell of pine pineapple
pina coladas punany purrs
paper penetration piercing possible precaution
passed in points pointing
paint me in your thoughts done in thoughts
before thoughts
taste me on the inside give me your nirvigin
i am king only for her
her hollow howls heaven
heal hemoglobin
bin talking to electricity
city center sent commerce commingle
come here
right here
did i tell you that i was Jamaican
jam Jupiter jemba warrior
she is found in everything
kissing cells that pass through third eyes
and i
know exactly how to love her
she is the master tapestry we paint
in our minds
that one thing that we think will change
our lives the marks on your body after good sex
that still after a day
if you twist your waste
or forearms spreading thighs
you can still feel its pleasurable sting
she is found in everything
she is working that mystic magic on the soul
she is my music
my muse
call it whatever
straight up plagiarism
she hands me my poems with a new promise
to love me for each one
used unconditionally unequivocally unashamedly
my heart strings to catch her
now every time i breath she hears my beating
all i want to do is to be broken
down into nano bytes
so i can measure her features down to each
and every nanometer of hair on her body
i oddly want her to appear before me physically
but then
then she wouldn't be found in everything
and i
though Jamaican and Shango and free
I so love when i find her in everything
She is my music
Gypsy woman on chill
Journey Through Sirreal Photography (Impossible is nothing)
As if you didn't know
how i have heaven on my shoulders
i brush of stars and watch how
they fall to the earth and stick
like flies to paper
but my name on this piece of paper
keeps me flyer than comets tap dancing
across the sky
cant help but look for the armegedon
which aint coming
because when i breath i take your
edge off
where divinity on my lips
to be broken down by the masses
its only a quick ear
that can catch my participals
sun burst on the side of my head
is a birth mark when i came
into to being from the universes bang
understand you cannot begin
to come close to my power
black man is the only thing
that resembles my being in this
existence my star
is to let you know i be beyond
mars my voice sounds like
a earthquake lighting bolt
so i might short circuit your
put your whole make up
in neon flux
i flow like your blood
boiled in the lynchings
in this feeling so twilight
be the favorite part of my
day reminds me of my mother's
and as if you didn't know
the seventh letter is G
so i be god having fun
in my human form
later today i will probably
play chess with the moons
kiss the ocean and make it swoon
tell oshun i got her number
tell obatila he can only go but
so long before he needs to speak to me
in the mean time
give a high five to the mountains
and write a poem in the sand
then sit and contemplate
admixed the pipes of the city
mo hawk profile my thoughts
hands clasped
in the prayer of my mother's
i understand that its my breath
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Journey though Sirreal Photography (raging sand)

she be sex and stars
wild and wide
praying for the dance
for the skylight hop
the gichi talk stuck in
the throat of a grasshopper
waiting to be eaten by a
black cat
with one eye rolling like
a marble through the streets
of Brazil
of Aruba
in the minds of Africa
the minds of Africans we be
addicted to the sex game
the theology contradiction
the marriage principal
but not every woman needs to be validated
by a man and not every man
needs a woman to take care of them
this is what i have learned
from lovers to lovers
sometimes especially when lovers
over lap
she did not nothing
just raw primal
and all
just the heat of her existence
the unruly of how she presented
her smell and the taste the spot she
picked as wild as her skin
sand tinted with the sun so she
almost blended into the scene
stealth has nothing on her
legs in parentheses
so as to show you what you could never
have if you do not process the ability
to touch her mind
said all of this here pointing
the the curves of her gnome
this is just the distraction
what you need to paying attention to
is the blade between my fingers
the sword in my throat
and the shotgun between my legs
i have swallowed souls
and build and destroyed nations
you have no clue
how to love me
how to really treat this woman
maybe she says
that isn't even the point
just come here
i am hungry for the world
and everything in it
Journey through Sirreal Photography (Raspberry)

Africa across her face
black diamond for pupils
sunshine rising in her brow
city in cheek bones
the red of emotions
bursting from her lips
she looked as innocent
as war
as bloody as two lovers
caressing under the moon
generation upon generation
of ancestors in her hair
the voices must drive her crazy
her skin must scream sometimes
gypsy eyes with a touch of
fucked up
with a frown that gives you
that warm feeling when
someone tickles your fancy
tickles your mind still stuck
to the glue of thinking that beauty
is only in the eye of the beholder
it is our ability to make up
our faces
to tribal our way of life
back to our traditions back to
the mating dance
the maternity clock is forever ticking
men hear it to
woman sometimes times have to learn
it is not always them
but most times they be the ones
that control the feeling
the believing for a better tomorrow
there was
Africa across her face
black diamond for pupils
sunshine rising in her brow
city in cheek bones
the red of emotions
bursting from her lips
she looked as sweet
as lemons as
convincing as a lier
strapped to the sky
had them seeing them self's
in the eye of the believer
in the glory of the wind
dancing on the of chance
that this world may end
too soon
and you never got the chance
to see
Africa across her face
black diamond for pupils
sunshine rising in her brow
city in cheek bones
the red of emotions
bursting from her lips
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Journey though Sirreal Photography (Earth Seduction)
She calls herself earth
eons old was around
before the warmth of the sun
before the bang
and science the god
and religion
calls herself the indescribable
the black of the black
laced chemistry
she knew one day she would
feel foot prints on her skin
took a human form
and she was this woman i knew
who loved the leaves
loved the breeze
said i am eternal
that my excuse as to why i don't care
what yours
all your love affairs
your trash and your smog
how you do you think this makes me feel
when my eyes burn every time I come down
to play with the leaves
in the fall
i fall for the way she moves
the humbleness trapped her groove
I am willing to love the earth
that way her skin loves these bones
willing to put my everything
up on a dice game
hoping for the snake of her eyes
the click in her walk
felt like she build my spine
told me i have a violin for a heart
so i sway with the cord
I don't care
as long as she is the sound i make
when my ribs smile
a babies breath inside
a kiss for all kisses
and lovers
she be earth
back before anything
walked across her mind
and i love how i swallow
her taste and embrace
with the morning air
with this feeling of the wind
spread eagle on my face
I swear to you I loved a woman
who called herself earth
kept me at bay
because she was eternal
and i am but fragile flesh
forced to find my footing
forever fondeling the thoughts
of how she felt
fever on my sweat
i follow the leaves in the fall
and remember how
I fall
Journey though Sirreal Photography (Little Girl)
Little girl
America is calling you
the hands of old white
racist men are lusting for your
curves in there sleep
this flag to your back
is not your own to claim
little girl
you stand in the snow
waiting for your moment
heart beating like a thousand lions
the snow screaming run
and your eyes fixated on the future
little girl
don't you know that behind that
door is a world you would do all over
again years later when you had
the chance
behind that door is a man
who you will regret in the midnight
of your mind
years later
behind that door is your dreams
dangling from a carrot
college tuition and the empty
promise of life after bombs
and artillery meant to separate
your soul from your innocence
little girl
i need you to walk away
walk in the direction of your future
your mother or whoever you hold
dear before you can never hold
them again
I need you to bend time
in your leather heals
hair slicked back to make it
easier for movement in the wind
they cant catch what they cant
little girl
that flag does not represent your people
blood and blue and stars for bullets
mangled bones and super domes with no
little girl
come home
or choose to listen to the snow
at you feet
trying to melt fast enough so
you don't slip when you make your move
because their coming
for your black
your eggs to test
your life to marginalize
they are coming for the queen you are
little girl
i hope you have razors under your tongue
a serrated blade in your boots
or a gun under coat
little girl
give the 5 reasons why you say no
give them 3 moments to find them-selfs
give them 9 things that make
them buckle and cry right where
you stand
little girl i am going to need
you to walk to your future
listen to the snow at your feet
and pick something anything
but to walk through
that door
Journey though Sirreal Photography (free write)

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for ever
right here
in a place
where no one is looking
in a moment when the stars dare to smile
with sugar and pepper
sprinkiled on soft hands
water an nothing else
your eyes and nothing else
sometimes i dream of holding you
beyond this complication
what i did
what i figured would not matter anymore
these days sometimes are great
and sometimes are really bad
sometimes i almost feel like you where nothing but a memory
other times i can almost feel your breath on my neck
how is that even possible
when you are no where near me
I live in my dreams
somedays it is the only place where i am actually happy
my scares show to much
my healing is not fast enough
sunsets look almost as if they were strung through a needles eye
is there really a point to all this
how much hurt do i need to uncover before
i move on
how much feeling needs to be left by the road side
before i am free of your ghost
in my head
your touch on my skin
arms and legs hanging across
my body
i am so tired of being broken
tired of thinking i am broken
but really i am not really broken
just hurting
and yes
there is a difference
i love me
and really you could have
just been the wind
knocking at my door
journey through Sirreal photography through the eyes of my pen (eye Brooklyn)
she said you come
meet me in the park
in black and white
told me I got your life under my coat
waiting to give
you the skin of me
her voice suttle over the phone
E.y.e Brooklyn shanal bag
bound with tims for the walk
or I be impressionable
let you watch these heals
glide over cracked cement
or wood floors maybe up in the air
or in the kitchen with nothing else
to interupt these feelings but these
are the
same heals i used to put holes in niggas
when no wasn't enough for them
my stare is the only thing they can remember
in late december
i had to go hard for my life
I dont know if i can make you understand
how i walk with a world in my womb
and that man is looking real nervous about
the possobility of being a father
looked me in my eyes confessed
she thinks why should he even bother
it was love at first sight now she shrugs
at the spark
said life is chess not checkers
and if he doesn't stay she will make Brooklyn
be his father
now we walking past the fence and bench
skyline black and white like
a sheet of paper after a poem has been written on
I want to hold her like a lover
but she never noticed me
so i kept her fears
knew where the body she stashed was
knew this fence behind might have been
laughing at her
but i kept quit and listen
to her story
to her words carving through the wind of me
her cell went of she stared at me
eyes that could have been born no where
but Brooklyn
picked up and said hello
voice muffled over the phone
one tear fell
she hung up looked at the bench
the wind picked up
put something in my back a feeling
un like anything i could ever describe to you
put my finger on her chin
stepped close
put my other hand on her belly
said my life under your coat
lets go home and pack your
she kissed with tears and fear
a shot of everything
years later we are making the bed
together and she looks at me
with those eyes
E.y.E Brooklyn.
journey through Sirreal photography through the eyes of my pen
So here we go again
I am going to write a poem for every sirreal photography photo
that i pick a day every day until i have wrote a poem for all
of the pictures
feel free to comment
and see the progress
I am going to write a poem for every sirreal photography photo
that i pick a day every day until i have wrote a poem for all
of the pictures
feel free to comment
and see the progress
Wind Whisper

She left me standing there
with my future in my hand
crinkled beer can and all
a feeling of unbecoming hitting
my cerebral like bullets making
imaginary halos in my heart
wanted her build a galaxy inside of
a raindrop she said
if only gravity was my only limitation
then maybe she could quite
possibly see a future with me
she amuses herself with playing
tricks on my mind a doppelganger
or a shadow with its own consciousness
moved like sparrows with broken wings
opened her mouth to reveal 8 centuries
of cotton laced with dragons breath
trying to comprehend her pH balance
my brain has been bouncing my soul
uncoiled to the rhythm of her hair
I swear the moon seemed more like her father
watched me carefully each touch
calculated to eons
made me care like heaven didn't mater
like a Palestine girl in front of a tank with
knees buckled and head bowed to the ground
pulled the ripcord seconds before
these withered emotions became love
before wrinkled sentiment became
a concrete commitment
she left me with my future
told me somewhere in the wind song
in the eyes of the depressed I would find
her laughing
I feel like she is stalking these poems
in my aftertaste of food of touch
of women
I think I swallowed her before when
I swore I was with someone that made me
feel as if breathing was not necessary
felt unequal to the ground
undeserving to the sun
a microcosm of an inebriated
climax stuck here
the way she left me with my future
in my hand
carried messages from the tips of
my fingertips to the searing Congo
drums in my ears
a message simple
but lifetimes away
all she said
in order for you to find me
all you would ever have to do
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