Little girl
America is calling you
the hands of old white
racist men are lusting for your
curves in there sleep
this flag to your back
is not your own to claim
little girl
you stand in the snow
waiting for your moment
heart beating like a thousand lions
the snow screaming run
and your eyes fixated on the future
little girl
don't you know that behind that
door is a world you would do all over
again years later when you had
the chance
behind that door is a man
who you will regret in the midnight
of your mind
years later
behind that door is your dreams
dangling from a carrot
college tuition and the empty
promise of life after bombs
and artillery meant to separate
your soul from your innocence
little girl
i need you to walk away
walk in the direction of your future
your mother or whoever you hold
dear before you can never hold
them again
I need you to bend time
in your leather heals
hair slicked back to make it
easier for movement in the wind
they cant catch what they cant
little girl
that flag does not represent your people
blood and blue and stars for bullets
mangled bones and super domes with no
little girl
come home
or choose to listen to the snow
at you feet
trying to melt fast enough so
you don't slip when you make your move
because their coming
for your black
your eggs to test
your life to marginalize
they are coming for the queen you are
little girl
i hope you have razors under your tongue
a serrated blade in your boots
or a gun under coat
little girl
give the 5 reasons why you say no
give them 3 moments to find them-selfs
give them 9 things that make
them buckle and cry right where
you stand
little girl i am going to need
you to walk to your future
listen to the snow at your feet
and pick something anything
but to walk through
that door
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