she said you come
meet me in the park
in black and white
told me I got your life under my coat
waiting to give
you the skin of me
her voice suttle over the phone
E.y.e Brooklyn shanal bag
bound with tims for the walk
or I be impressionable
let you watch these heals
glide over cracked cement
or wood floors maybe up in the air
or in the kitchen with nothing else
to interupt these feelings but these
are the
same heals i used to put holes in niggas
when no wasn't enough for them
my stare is the only thing they can remember
in late december
i had to go hard for my life
I dont know if i can make you understand
how i walk with a world in my womb
and that man is looking real nervous about
the possobility of being a father
looked me in my eyes confessed
she thinks why should he even bother
it was love at first sight now she shrugs
at the spark
said life is chess not checkers
and if he doesn't stay she will make Brooklyn
be his father
now we walking past the fence and bench
skyline black and white like
a sheet of paper after a poem has been written on
I want to hold her like a lover
but she never noticed me
so i kept her fears
knew where the body she stashed was
knew this fence behind might have been
laughing at her
but i kept quit and listen
to her story
to her words carving through the wind of me
her cell went of she stared at me
eyes that could have been born no where
but Brooklyn
picked up and said hello
voice muffled over the phone
one tear fell
she hung up looked at the bench
the wind picked up
put something in my back a feeling
un like anything i could ever describe to you
put my finger on her chin
stepped close
put my other hand on her belly
said my life under your coat
lets go home and pack your
she kissed with tears and fear
a shot of everything
years later we are making the bed
together and she looks at me
with those eyes
E.y.E Brooklyn.
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