Her look
could have
killed the world
flipped atlas
on his axis
orbited a suffocated
bench press
on a ants back
chained to a forgotten
tomorrow rapped
in a reality
two centimeters removed
from right now
rising like the goose bumps
you get when truth
reveals itself in words
the synonym for metaphor
has got to be woman
in a blue sky
a black fire
shows off
as if the stars could not
flash light out existence
eyes spoke of almonds
half cracked
just so you catch just
a glimpse of heaven
of yourself
growing inside her rib
i now know
when i stared at her
that i am a hybrid
all we are as men
is confused women until
we learn were it is we
come from
until we meet a
harbinger with sunset eyes
and a star placed
per curiously on her nose
until we fall in love
with the lover we do not
only then
will her look
make sense
and her scent
bearable in the air
the rustle of the leaves
she be a unexplainable
that finds us in our dreams
when we are alone
with thoughts
i feel sometimes she is
watching me staring
at my chest thinking she
wishes she could take
her ribs back
if she knew then what she
knows now
how the slave of us
would be so prominent
in the mistreatment of her kind
her body and mind
soul and love even still
her hips grow wide enough
to forgive
and eyes tell me something
sacred in a flash
a chance meeting
meeting chance past
believing i found
the perfume of her
one night in a bed
of roses
just because
she said she wanted lay on
pedals before her ghost flee's
in a room of candles
for random's sake
just to see how her skin maroon's
with the light
oil and giggles necessary
in fingertips
i met myself and her
laced with the meaning of breath
one night under a blue moon
over looking a red sky
with purple hearts dancing in the
flicker of the shadows fire on
the floor
i stand here today
just to tell you that
the synonym for metaphor
is woman
don't be fooled by the
spelling or the
spells casting
metaphor is woman
and woman is a unexplainable
simple but they have
always told you
god is in the simple things
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