I stand as if the world needs to go around me
voodoo personified indigo sauce
and tornado laughing in the bricks to my back
i stand for the peace
of war
of abused woman
she told me not to come here said they may
shoot a black man
trigger happy mo fo's they be
she said
but i never figured any of that feared
any of that
i knew my purpose
they called me giant in my youth
so i stand like i was face to face with the clouds
never paid attention to the chicken scratch
of the haters and the people that have
nothing better to do than gossip
about how he aint shit
and we aint shit as a people
as a people i represent the best of we
warrior blooded for battle
lover passion raised to my woman
my queen knows who i be
my kids know who i be
its a shame i couldn't make her understand
why i had to come to this place
make her understand why i had to stand
waiting for them to come
i knew they were too scared to kill me
the truth will scream people into submission
and my daddy told me always speak
the truth even if you are staring death
swinging your halo it stole at your birth
you tell the truth
and let them sort the pieces after
so i am here
because of my father
because of my mother
because of my kids
i am here because there wont be anymore
they have learned that the truth does not
die with the flesh
so what is the use of putting a bullet through
my brain
of them even thinking about my breath
there will be no more martyrs
kissed my children told them
i loved them just in case
humans or fickle creatures even
with my faith
that i would be home for dinner
and kissing my wife
humans tend to surprise
honestly i was waiting for it
waiting for the bang
but none came
i stood there in all my glory
you should have seen it
no bang i tell you
I almost laughed
still tapping the prayer beads
in my pocket
I thought i was going to die today
even still i was home before dark
walked like a hero
picked my wife up in the air
and told
there will be no more martyrs
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